St. Patrick's Day AlcathonfacfentonMar 10Come join us at the Alano Club this St Patrick’s Day and enjoy some fun, fellowship, and food!Monday March 17thMeeting: 10-11amAlcathon: 11-7pmMeeting: 7-8 pmFenton Alano Club800 North Rd Fenton MI 48430
Come join us at the Alano Club this St Patrick’s Day and enjoy some fun, fellowship, and food!Monday March 17thMeeting: 10-11amAlcathon: 11-7pmMeeting: 7-8 pmFenton Alano Club800 North Rd Fenton MI 48430
Mark your Calendars!!facfentonJan 4Football Watch PartyLions vs Vikings. (A must win for Detroit!)Sunday Jan. 5th. 8pmFenton Alano Club🏈Bring your favorite football food to share.🏈
Football Watch PartyLions vs Vikings. (A must win for Detroit!)Sunday Jan. 5th. 8pmFenton Alano Club🏈Bring your favorite football food to share.🏈
Fall and Winter Alcathons. facfentonNov 14, 2024You don't have to spend the holidays alone. Come to the Fenton Alano Club. Bring a dish to pass if you can and enjoy a meeting and fellowship time!Weekly meetings will still continue at their regular times. Alcathon food will be cleaned up 30 miuntes before end time to prepare for the meeting. Gratitude Meeting - Wednesday Nov. 27th. 8pm - 9pm. Bring dessert to share.Thanksgiving - Thursday Nov. 28th. 11am - 7pm. Club providing Turkey. Christmas Eve - Tuesday Dec. 24th. 8pm - 10pm. Bring dessert to share. Christmas Day - Wednesday Dec. 25th. 11am - 7pm. Club providing Ham. New Year's Eve - Tuesday Dec. 31st. 8pm - 12am. Bring Snacks to share. New Year's Day - Wednesday Jan. 1st. 11am - 6:30pm. Club providing Ham.Fenton Alano Club. 800 North Rd. Fenton, MI 810-354-8279
You don't have to spend the holidays alone. Come to the Fenton Alano Club. Bring a dish to pass if you can and enjoy a meeting and fellowship time!Weekly meetings will still continue at their regular times. Alcathon food will be cleaned up 30 miuntes before end time to prepare for the meeting. Gratitude Meeting - Wednesday Nov. 27th. 8pm - 9pm. Bring dessert to share.Thanksgiving - Thursday Nov. 28th. 11am - 7pm. Club providing Turkey. Christmas Eve - Tuesday Dec. 24th. 8pm - 10pm. Bring dessert to share. Christmas Day - Wednesday Dec. 25th. 11am - 7pm. Club providing Ham. New Year's Eve - Tuesday Dec. 31st. 8pm - 12am. Bring Snacks to share. New Year's Day - Wednesday Jan. 1st. 11am - 6:30pm. Club providing Ham.Fenton Alano Club. 800 North Rd. Fenton, MI 810-354-8279